July 29, 2007

Visiting the Shrines Near Kamakura

Today, the Cassidy’s and I traveled by van to some of the old parts of Yokohama and saw numerous shrines. One of the shrines was The Great Buddha in Kamakura which stands about 15 meters (50 feet) high. This monumental statue probably dates from 1252, in the Kamakura period, when temple records report the construction of a bronze statue.

I was able to take some photos of a funeral ceremony and of the sandals that Buddha is reported to wear when he walks the grounds at night.

It was an interesting and sad experience all at the same time. Interesting because this sort of ceremony and appeal to the gods is new to me; sad because many people were praying, clapping and throwing money toward these fabricated images hoping the gods will hear them and bring them fortune. How different from the daily personal interaction we can have with Christ, a friend and loving God who knows and cares about every detail of our lives!