July 10, 2008

A Touch of Heaven

As anticipated, the bulk of my summer was spent at our family cottage where I was able to relax and rejuvenate before heading back for another busy school year in Korea. I can't think of a more perfect place to enjoy God's gift of nature and connect with family and friends.

This year we added a new resident to the neighborhood. From where I usually sit on the front deck, I had a perfect view of the daily activity of a hummingbird building its nest and defending its young from surrounding wildlife. Not only was I mesmerized by the flights in and out of the nest all summer but I was truly amazed at the strength of the nest itself, especially knowing it's made of moss, plant fibers and spider webs! I wondered how it would hold up one day as we experienced some incredibly high winds, but somehow the nest stayed attached and the eggs remained where they belonged as the branches whipped in all directions. Amazing construction... and this bird didn't even go to a School of Architecture! =)

Cottage living include moments shared with family as depicted in these pictures. Here we have my Mom, nephew Jared holding Candy and brother-in-law Albert on the front porch enjoying some conversation and observing life on the lake. Dad is often found at the BBQ as Mom, my sister Dianne and I are often found around the Scrabble board. Where else but from my hours of playing Scrabble would I get my stupendous vocabulary that elicits such flavorful lexis as found in this blog?

What can I say about my time at the cottage, except that it is cherished and has been part of my life since I was three months old. I don't exactly remember those earliest days but I sure have memories of my time at the cottage through every other stage of my life -- from swimming in the lake and playing in the woods as a child to learning to drive boat and car as a teenager to returning year after year as I've lived in various parts of the world as an adult. I've even been privileged to attend the same chapel in the woods during the summer months for over 40 years!

It truly is amazing to witness God's creation in this corner of the world from morning mist to the evening skies, a mere glimpse of what He has in store for us when we reach our eternal home!

The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.

Psalm 19:1-4