January 27, 2009

Selamat Harun Baru!

Or for those who don't read Malay or understand the title of this post, may I extend to you a very Happy New Year!

Isn't it hard to believe we embarked on the year 2009 already? Time often has a way of playing tricks on us. To me the 1990s seem like only a couple years ago and we were wondering whether the world was going to stop when the computer clocks clicked over to 2000. Well, the world didn't stop and now we're approaching the passing of yet another decade!

As is customary for me every New Year's Day that I can remember, I take time to review the past year and then look ahead to the new year with the Scriptures open before me.

When possible, I try to get away into God's creation for my quiet time – whether that's in the mountains of Colorado or in the snow-covered woods of the cottage or overlooking the ocean in Malaysia. Regardless of where I stand, year after year I stand in awe at the Lord's faithfulness in my life and in the lives of so many of my Christian brothers and sisters around me: an incredible gift that keeps on giving year after year! It is truly humbling to experience love from the God of the Universe in addition to His constant protection, discipline, revealing, providing and getting my attention after the circumstances around me start to govern my thoughts.

My desire is to follow Christ's command to give thanks at all times –- regardless of whether I'm happy about my circumstances or not. I understand that God provides many wonderful opportunities for me to explore His creation and learn of His handiwork by living overseas, as is demonstrated by my posts throughout this blog.

But we know that life offers us times of joy as well as times of struggle. With God's help, I can honestly say times of struggle have often turned out to be more valuable to me than the times of joy because they test my character and help prepare me for what God has in store for me. Let's face it, the fun times are great and it's enjoyable writing about them and sharing them with you, but in light of eternity they don't matter one iota.

Ro 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

So with this in mind, permit me to share with you in the next post a version of what I shared with the church congregations in Borneo. It is my desire to remember these words not only in 2009 but for the rest of my given days. I trust the following will be encouraging and challenging to fellow Christians who are reading this as they are to me.